---------------------- -=:By Ooze/K2:=- ---------------------- Hmmm.. I don't know what to call this.. a Dharma ripoff maybe ;).... ---------------------- All drum samples are made by Dharma. the blipp lazer sounds by the dude who did makako. The 303 samples are made by me. the talkies "insane"& "Prespective" are sampled by Erek. the sinus waves are made by kenzu.. I have no idea where the rest of the samples comes from. *Sorry* ---------------------- Recrudescence of violence.. ---------------------- Se ya' Love -*-Ooze-*- Playtime 05:20 @1997 ---------------------- I'm against violence so DON'T misunderstand This mod...it's against sex+violence+ drugs. that is sex+ violence+drugs in a mix.. 'couse i sure don't have anything against sex ;)..... ----------------------